November 03, 2004

"Don't waste any time mourning - organize!"

Can I say I'm going to stand and fight when I'm moving from a Red state to a Blue state? Public defenders in particular tend to know a few things about losing a round or two and coming back to fight another day, but I am looking forward come January to living in a state that went for the Democrat:

My current home county voted Bush 71.70%, Kerry 23.54%.
My new home county went Bush 42.63%, Kerry 55.67%.

I'm discouraged, but I'm not despondent. Growing up as a Democrat in Idaho helps, I suppose, as does knowing that people I love - my evangelical sister-in-law, my Knights of Columbus brother, my co-workers and neighbors - voted for the other guy. This job helps, too. Whatever the next four years bring, it's comforting to know that I always have a band of brothers and sisters in the public defender and criminal defense bar - Republican or Democratic, it doesn't matter - who will stand guard for the accused and the Bill of Rights. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it's gonna be all right.


  1. I wish I could share your optimism. I'm from Idaho like you. Now I'm living in South Korea teaching English. My blog may be a little too careless for you, but nevertheless. I have never felt more bitter and depressed as a result of a presedetial election as I do now. Terrorism and the economy are not the real problems facing the globe. The Enviroment, and, economic equality is what I see as being the most problematic. I laud you for being a fighter, but it seems to me that, perhaps, the U.S. is hopeless.

  2. Anonymous12:42 AM

    There are many battles to fight, even in the so-called blue states. The rights of the accused are in greater jeopardy than at any time in the last 50 years. Your work in their behalf is vital.
