February 08, 2005

An officer and a public defender

We're not all Kerry-voting anti-war hippies:

Local public defender has hand in bringing democracy to Iraq:

As a Riverside County deputy public defender, Mark Johnson strives to protect the rights of those individuals he defends within America's court system.

As a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, the Murrieta lawyer spent eight months in war-torn Iraq, where he helped draft historic documents that will protect the rights of more than 7 million people living in and around Baghdad.

Sounds like a job for Ken Lammers.

Update: Ken also is an excellent story-teller.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Sadly, my Arabic skills are not what they used to be. By the time I took a refresher course it would probably be too late.

    I'm not sure what I'd do if the government asked me to go back to the Middle East in a role like that. As a younger man the government sent me to places where I could be killed a few times and I'm happy to have served. However, now that I'm older, slower, and a larger target I'm not certain that I'd want to go somewhere where people would try it again.
