The defense has opened by stating "no blood, no guilt" in the not-unbloody case of the Idaho teen-ager accused of murdering her parents. The judge previously denied a defense motion to introduce a videotape showing a coconut being shot with a rifle as evidence to depict what happened to one of the victims when she was shot:
...(S)tate's witness Glen Groben, a pathologist with the Ada County Coroner's office, (stated), "Can you compare a human head with a coconut? It's like apples and oranges."
Rocky Mink, a forensic scientist who had assisted in producing the video, defended the use of the coconut to replicate a head.
"Did your coconut have a brain in it?" asked prosecutor Justin Whatcott, referring to prosecution's contention that a coconut is unlike a human head.
"Not that I know of," Mink said.
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