March 18, 2005

"For mad dogs -- a dog's death!"


"But I ask myself, over and over again, how a person with Eugene (Volokh)´s background, whose family suffered under Soviet repression, and who knows far better than most the brutality of Stalin, could possibly countenance an assertion of a power in any state -- even the good old U.S. of A. -- to torture a person in this way."

- from "A Strange Libertarianism" on Professor Eric Muller's Is That Legal?

"One should remember the instruction of Comrade Stalin, that there are... such times in the life of society and our individual lives, when laws turn out to be obsolete and we have to put them aside."

"We demand the vermin and all their followers be mercilessly exterminated!"

- from "The 'Fragrant Flowers' of Prosecutor A. Ya. Vyshinsky's Rhetoric" by Hugo S. Cunningham.

March 19 Update:

Prokuror akademik Volokh recants:

"But over us, over our happy country, our sun will shine with its bright rays as clearly and joyfully as before."

Akademika Bitch Ph.D says, "yeah, right."

Conservative Blogger for Peace says:

"This is the usual procedure for making the unspeakable a matter of public discussion, and then to make what was unspeakable seem normal... I never imagined that I would hear a constitutional law professor suggest, even tentatively, that we should amend the ban on cruel and unusual punishment."

'Nother update:

Pulp Volokh! (or is it "Volokh Fiction"?)
(Hello, ridicule, bye-bye judgeship)

March 20 update:

John Doe and Exene link to others and join the chorus.

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