August 07, 2005

P.D.: charismatic, emotional, a bit ditzy

Here's an entertaining story from a San Francisco juror:

The public defender...was...charismatic, emotional, and, at times, a bit ditzy. She'd bounce around the room, futzing with her glasses, and changing topics every 15 seconds... sometimes losing track of where she was headed.

The crime was the really interesting part. The defendant, a gay man, let's call him Cranky Drunk, was waiting for a bus at 17th and Market when he spotted another gay man (Tiny Tim) wearing a jacket with what he perceived was a large cross on the back. He was so offended that a gay man would wear such "a symbol of oppression" in the Castro that he went up and started an argument with the guy...

I'd never heard of a gay man being charged with a hate crime before...

Click through to the post to read about Cranky, Tim, Officer Phooey and Doctor Evil, and the verdict.

P.S.: I'm wondering who left a law student on the jury.

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