August 17, 2005

Truth about drugs, with a big grain of salt

My local community radio station carries an interesting and unabashedly slanted show "dedicated to exposing the fraud, misdirection and wastefulness of the 'war on drugs.'"

While I'm a bit of a fellow traveller on this issue, for historical reasons and others, I'm always more than a bit skeptical of any production that carries the word "Truth" in its title: Pravda, for example, or Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.

That said, I give you "Narkomanskaya pradva set' (Наркоманская правда сеть), or, the Drug Truth Network.

Today, for instance, a Canadian marijuana seed seller compared efforts to extradite him to the U.S. to the pogroms under the Tsar.

There was also a pretty unappetizing review by some recent guests of the accomodations at the Houston (Harris County) jail, which I think they compared to the Gulag.

For all that, the show did have was one reliable bit of advice:

"If you're going to commit crimes, using alcohol or drugs will make it easier for you to get caught."

The shows are archived on the website if you wanted to listen for yourself.

Obscure bonus link:
"The Russian Drug Addict's Dictionary" (in Russian only, unfortunately)

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