In hindsight, physiologically questionable to do a line with a violent murderer in one's apartment, but she did survive the encounter, after all:
Ashley Smith, the woman who says she persuaded suspected courthouse gunman Brian Nichols to release her by talking about her faith in God, discloses in a new book that she gave him methamphetamine during the hostage ordeal.
Smith did not share that detail with authorities after she talked her way out of captivity. In her book, “Unlikely Angel...” Smith says Nichols had her bound on her bed with masking tape and an extension cord. She says he asked for marijuana, but she did not have any, so she dug into her illegal stash of crystal meth instead...
(Aside to clients, would any of you who are cranksters give a man meth when he asks for bud?)
Says the editorialist:
"Now, most of us don't have crystal meth lying around the house, even for use in an emergency... But that shouldn't belittle her accomplishment."
I'll remember that line with my next meth client. Angels can emerge in the most unlikely places.
Item via Majikthise, who titled her post, "Praise the Lord and pass the methamphetamine".
See, Brian Nichols was just doing the wrong drug. Once he had a nice line of meth he realized he had better things to do.