You know the drill: you bust your hump getting a good deal for a client to make a felony go away, and the main job the client has is to stay out of trouble.
Then the client leaves the courtroom and goes back to his little buddies, and you might as well have been Charlie Brown's teacher Mrs. Othmar saying, "mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah":
alot has happened lately. (X) got a plea deal from him public defender. 7:00 p.m. curfew until his 19th birthday, 6 months suspended drivers liscense, 25 + hours of community service, probation and drug counseling until his 19th birthday. buuuut they'll drop the felony charge and if he fucks it up this time, he'll spend a year in jail.
(X) and i tripped on acid after the secret satan party and it was awesome. the next day (X) bought $375 more acid and sold every single one of them in a matter of hours.
I'm not going to link to the post due to offensive content, and to a residual desire not to narc out a goddamn fool. You can find the post easily enough using one of the usual search engines.
Note to the blogger or the blogger's friend: you've got to ask yourself, do you feel lucky? Huh, do ya? Because if I can find this site using a search engine, don't you think the cops, the prosecutor and the judge in your town can, too? Enjoy that year in jail, pendejo.
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