February 09, 2006


Here's Songius of Simplicity and Access, a law student who learned the big lesson that wasn't going to be on the exam:

... To illustrate a point, our professor, a lawyer with MANY years experience as a public defender, used the example of a murder trial he was part of...

...(A) philanthropist took in a drug addict during the addict's rehab program. The philanthropist, a wealthy widow, paid the addict well for doing domestic work until she could find a job and get on her feet. The addict found a job, then decided to return to the widow's home beat her severely, then strangle her with her own belt because of some jewelry she'd observed the philanthropist wear...

You could see the horror in the professor's eyes. He said that the addict was the most frightening person he ever helped represent, and when you consider his career, that's saying something (30 years as a public defender). He was sharing something of himself, really trying to attain catharsis. He was communicating that OTHER thing that doesn't come from statutes and case books...

I can't see this future lawyer yukking it up over a murder case. Kudos! Somebody needs to hire this good person, if just for paying attention to the gravity and darkness that comes with criminal lawyering when everyone else in class is web-surfing.

Now, as Songius says, "to lighten the mood, here's a badger":

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