March 04, 2006

Much music

Thanks to the people who wrote in about public defenders in music, from Springsteen to Ice Cube to Agnostic Front. In my ramblings I've learned about the band Public Defender of "I Hate Cops" renown, the famous-in-Calgary Bif Naked single, "Singin":

Perhaps I’ll study law,
Be a public defender.
But I’ll need a lot of maalox.
I couldn’t take the pressure.

a cutting remark from Connie Kaldor:

You justify all like a public defender
Your heart's like a butter knife delicate tender

Blue Mountain's friendly warning:

You better watch out boy, you're gonna get censored,
or knocked up side your head by a public defender.

a song parody, "I Am the Public Defender":

I am the public defender.
A good verdict I can render.
I'm all that you can hire
pull your ass out of the fire.

and most unexpectedly, the fabled p.d. musical, "Real Lawyer":

Real Lawyer was a very unusual undertaking. The music in this soundtrack was created by a public defender and investigator in the State of Connecticut. This is an original soundtrack from the production performed for all the public defenders in the State and the cast and voices are of individual public defenders, social workers, investigators, and secretaries all working within the division. These are not professional singers, but nonetheless individuals dedicated to the noble, though often difficult task of defending the indigent.

Who knew you could hear it on streaming audio? And buy the CD?

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