March 16, 2006

Take two aspirin...

I did the work of two lawyers today, so I'll direct you to some bloggers whose brains aren't mush:

Public Defender Stuff has taken up the mantle of being your one-stop source for information about troubled p.d. Arthur English, so I'll just let the poor guy be, and send you over there.

While I'm directing traffic (away from my own blog!), I could encourage you to check out Judging Crimes with the entertaining story of Duckman, public defender pugilist and criminal contemnor.

Or, if you wanted to eavesdrop on some pretty good reflections on what it's like to be a public defender of juveniles (my next stop, in two weeks), you could read Monica's post at Buzzwords, together with thoughful comments from Blondie and WotL.

Finally, with the death of Milošević, if you're curious at all about the continuing legal fall-out from the wars in former Yugoslavia, turn to the recent posts in East Ethnia, by Professor Eric Gordy, who despite his disclaimer ("although I do own a briefcase, I am not a lawyer. Merely a talented amateur, like Emma Peel.") is a very knowledgeable guide.

Now I'm off for a date with some over-the-counter pain meds.

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