September 20, 2006

ID: go, Vandals!

From the Spokane paper:

Federal judge allows ex-Vandal's lawsuit to proceed

A federal judge has said a lawsuit brought by a former University of Idaho football player against U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, the Department of Homeland Security and others can move forward...

Abdullah al-Kidd, who played for the Vandals under the name Lavoni Kidd, contends that in 2003 the government wrongfully arrested him as a material witness in its unsuccessful computer terrorism case against a fellow student, Sami Omar Al-Hussayen...

Yes, the place where I went to law school (cheap!) has the worst - named mascot in the Northwest.

1 comment:

  1. We moved to Moscow ID a couple of winters ago and at first thought this town was really, really into The Nutcracker. When the "Nutcracker" posters remained around town long after Christmas, we figured out that the figure was actually a Vandal. Stangest mascot ever.
