October 19, 2006

AS: prisoners in paradise

A report on doing time fa'a Samoa, from fellow Idahoan Sean at Potatoes to Papayas:

Another interesting part of American Samoa is the jail... Our neighbors down the street are both public defenders. They inform us that the front gate of the jail is never locked. Nice. Apparently, the rule has been that if a prisoner is not back to the jail by curfew, the police go to their house and take them back. It's a simple system...

Another attorney friend... told us that before one of the hurricanes that hit the island, the prison guards, afraid they were unable to take care of the prisoners, sent them all home. On one condition. They all must come back after the hurricane. And they all did...


  1. I've been told Israel has the same system - if you don't return, and you get picked up again (likely, right?), you're not allowed to leave.

  2. Let no one be fooled - the prison system here would never work in Idaho or any other state. It's a difference of culture.
