March 13, 2007

Kyle Sampson: sympathy for the hit man

You probably only know D. Kyle Sampson as the ruthless, recently resigned chief of staff to Alberto Gonzales:

By avoiding Senate confirmation, Sampson added, "we can give far less deference to home state senators and thereby get 1.) our preferred person appointed and 2.) do it far faster and more efficiently at less political costs to the White House..." Sampson wrote: "Domenici is going to send over names tomorrow (not even waiting for Iglesias's body to cool)."

But the disgraced consigliere has a kindler, gentler side. Before Sampson and his favorable write-ups disappear down the memory hole, here are some links to happier times:

From, July 12, 2002 - Advising the President

Church member Kyle Sampson knows he's landed a dream job. As associate counsel to United States President George W. Bush, he appreciates working for a dedicated Christian. Sampson said President Bush is a committed follower of Christ, which makes him a great boss...

From BYU Magazine Spring 2003 - Presidential Counsel

On his path to the White House, D. Kyle Sampson, ’93 has blazed a trail for BYU graduates to follow. During the past seven years, Sampson has served as a lawyer at the highest levels of all three branches of government: the Congress, the White House, and the Judiciary. As a legal advisor to President George W. Bush, Sampson is playing a key role in the lives of both American citizens and BYU alumni...

"We are blessed with the best system of government in the world," says Sampson. "The founding fathers were truly wise men raised up to establish our Constitution..."

Although he may consider his role to be of small importance, some BYU graduates may not agree. Taylor Oldroyd, a friend of Sampson and member of the Bush Administration, feels he has been instrumental in assisting the Church. "Kyle has played a key role in many of the Administration’s personnel decisions and is the reason so many BYU alumni, including myself, have positions in the Bush Administration."

Working long days for President Bush, he often returns home just in time to read to his children and put them to bed. Sampson appreciates his wife Noelle for supporting him while he serves his country. "There is a small moment in time when I can engage in this sort of public service," says Sampson. "I know it will come to an end, so that makes the long hours worthwhile."

And so it has. Good riddance, button man.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    So, why focus on the fact that he's a BYU grad? As misguided as his political leanings may be, we're not all uncritical pawns of the current administration.

    Jus esate buves Lietuvoje? Sveikas!

  2. Labas! Dėkoju už skambutį.

    Had I found a link to a University of Chicago alumni webpage saying, "D. Kyle Sampson has blazed a trail for Chicago graduates to follow," I would have linked to that too. There never was one there. There was one posted, then deleted, by BYU. Neither action reflects well on the university. Neither do the actions of Kyle Sampson.

    Thanks for the comment. It's always good to remind the world that you can be a credit to BYU without being a fan of George W. Bush (see this fine tribute to BYU professor R. J. Snow from Utah Amicus), just as you can be a good member of the Church without being a fan of BYU (see Rice-Eccles Stadium anytime the Cougars play the Utes)

    Bonus link: Lithuanian - English criminal words and crime words quizzes

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Fair enough. I didn't mean to revert to a knee-jerk Mormons/BYU-under-siege mentality, if that's how it came across. It's just that others have made the connection in the media, which is annoying and unsurprising. When twits like Sampson mess up, people here in the DC area tend to view us Zoobies with a harsh light. Somehow that never happens when Harvard grads screw up.

    I'm afraid school pride will never allow me to agree that the particular institution in SLC can produce anything other than heathens! :) Then again, you're a P.D., and I'm definitely more of a prosecutorial mindset, so it's no surprise we don't see eye to eye.

    Thanks for the links. My Lithuanian is getting shoddy. Neikas cia nori su manimi sneketi. :(
