March 29, 2007

NV: ostracized

From the bad old days of the Clark County (Las Vegas) public defenders office...

to today: Nevada crim law blog Harmful Error links to the local paper's recent series on LV's contract attorney system for conflicts. It ain't pretty.

Here's another post of note from Harmless Error on a Nevada habeas win for a factually innocent client.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    This is off-topic, but I'll post it anyway.

    I've been reading your blog and many other PD blogs for years (all through law school). I graduated in May 2006, took and passed the California Bar, and have now been hired as a public defender. I'll start in a few weeks.

    I went to law school specifically to become a public defender. I interned in two very different California counties. I'm thrilled my dream is coming true.

    I'm asking for advice from the seasoned veterans of the PD trenches: What is the best/most important advice you can offer to a "baby PD" like me?

    Thanks for any input.
