April 05, 2007

ID: my people

I'm going back to Idaho for a week, so posting may be scatter-shot.

Bonus links and courage under fire citations go out to fellow Idahoans IdaBlue, Idaho - Hum, Idaho Rocks, the Mountain Goat, F-Words, and the indispensible 43rd State Blues.

Update: more about the photo above from Rob's Idaho Perspective -

I originally thought this was an April Fools joke, but it does not appear to be. The story has a picture of a person sitting behind a "no shooting" sign with a rifle shooting ground squirrels (not surprising). The story goes on to explain that numerous endangered birds have been killed in the area (also not surprising), some private cattle that are still allowed to roam in the area have been shot (somewhat surprising), but the most amazing of all - that national guard vehicles are regularly hit with gunfire in the area.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The photo was shot by Dave Frasier whose blog and story surrounding the photo can be found here:


  2. Thank you for that - here's the clickable version of that link.
