April 01, 2007

WA: pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will

This one's for my Ohio colleague, whom I once called "Dennis Kucinich":

Presidential primary year 2004, at the caucus I attended, before ultimately switching to John Edwards (where I still am) I signed up for Dennis Kucinich, only to find it was just me and the locally famous teepee - dwelling ex-hippie activist standing up for the little guy. This time and this place, there were about 100 times as many ex- and current hippies in attendance, in an overflow crowd along with Greeners, labor guys, and a few drivers of expensive Swedish cars. The congressman spoke well for his causes, and I enjoyed the sensation of feeling like a moderate in a left - of - center land.

1 comment:

  1. I signed for Kucinich at my caucus too! :) America needs a nice Croatian -American closet Bogomil president! :)

    In case you wonder why I label him a closet Bogomil, it's the vegetarianism and the lengthy periods of celibacy, and the pacifism.
