May 17, 2007

"The ever present 'How can you represent a guilty person?' question"

From Running Down a Dream:

Straight Into the Night Our Hearts Were Flung

The client asked the attorney what he thought the client's prospects were, and the attorney decided not to provide a percentage approximation, but instead answered the question this way: "I can tell you this. I'll do the same thing for you that I would hope you would do for me if I were sitting in your chair and you were sitting in mine..."

1 comment:

  1. Had a cop ask me, a few weeks ago while viewing evidence, why I would investigate for the public defender. He added, "You get to help innocent people every once in a while if you're lucky; I get to help innocent people every day." My silence peeved him and he asked for an answer--very cop-like. Anyway, I didn't know what to say. I told him that he had answered his own question.

