September 05, 2007

Locked-up p.d. - "a terrier with a bone"


Public Defender Service Attorney Detained in Holding Cell

A heated exchange between D.C. Superior Court Judge John Bayly Jr. and Public Defender Service attorney Liyah Brown last week ended with Brown in a holding cell -- the first time, Bayly says, he has ever detained a lawyer.

During a criminal hearing on Aug. 29, Brown attempted to point out that her client "is a homeless man," according to court transcripts. Bayly, however, responded with skepticism: "I don't know that he is." The two argued over the point before Bayly told Brown to have a seat. "Step her back, please. Step her back," Bayly told a U.S. marshal, according to the transcript. Brown was shackled and held in a cell with misdemeanor defendants...

From the Washington Post:

Colleagues Back Lawyer Detained in Dispute With Judge

Several lawyers with the D.C. Public Defender Service wore red armbands to the courthouse yesterday to show support for a colleague who was handcuffed and briefly locked up last week in a flare-up with a judge...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Please remember judges are all not God. They are all still human beings. And they are definitely still under the monitoring system which is called Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission's supervisions and being watched closely by all those innocent citizens, public interests law firms (non-profit organizations), advocates and legislative bodies. I, personally admire those Public Defenders and Public Interests Lawyers or etc... They worked hard to make the world peace and fairness and equality applied to everyone - everyone - not money sense or power sense but devote themselves for true justice and truth and liberty. Period. I would recommend everyone read "Litigation Explosion" (Attorneys' fees and ethics: A job that offers enormous returns to unscrupulousness will attract many unscrupulous persons and corrupt many persons of ordinary character. Most of the possible ways to sort out the bad apples are not very promising. ... The ethical rules of many professions share a common underlying principle: if temptations are allowed to get out of hand, many will yield. To put it in raw dollar terms, if under system A people can grab a thousand dollars by telling a lie, and under system B they can grab a million by telling the same lie, more people - not all, but more - will tell the lie under system B. No system could block all chances to profit from lying, cheating, and corner-cutting; that would be hopelessly utopian. What a practical system of ethics can do is fence off the steepest and most slippery slopes, lowering the rewards for dishonesty not to zero but to a point where most people can be trained in the habit of resisting. . . .) and "Judges and Their Audiences - A Perspective on Judicial Behavior" (Building upon some themes in his influential "The Puzzle of Judicial Behavior" (1997), his intent is to suggest in this exploratory study an additional perspective on judges. First, he succinctly reviews the major models used to study judicial behavior--attitudinal, strategic and legal. He suggests that students of the judiciary also would have much to gain by focusing upon the audiences judges seek to impress. Moreover, judges seek to impress these "salient" audiences not only for strategic reasons (such as promotion or to enhance their influence among colleagues), but because they covent the esteem of these groups for its own sake. An interesting chapter discusses judging as self-presentation, including some useful concepts from social psychology. The remaining chapters target particular audiences: colleagues, the public, other branches, social and professional groups, "policy groups" such as the Federalist Society, and the news media. ...

    Law & Social Inquiry : Examine[s] the influence of the legal profession, the media, and close colleagues on the self-presentation of judges.

    Sheldon Goldman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst : An original contribution to the study of judicial politics that draws from the field of social psychology to suggest a radically new approach to the study of decisional behavior.

    Donald Songer, University of South Carolina : This book makes a very strong case that we need to begin to look at judicial behavior in a way that is not reflected in any of the most significant recent work. It will change the way many scholars think about the courts.)

    ...go to to buy or review the reviews. Legal system, Judicial system and court system have never really, or fully reached their real goals to achieve so-called liberty. Only disillusions - Corruptions, fraudulences, unscrupulousness, lies and cheatings and others... Please read above two books I recommended and all of others. I would have WDS post or any Public Interests non-public firms or any Public Defense in NO.VA contact me for my horrible personal experience (a series scandals and cover-up, all you could or could not image - which has reflected how vulnerable this judicial/legal/court system could be), not less worse than Dry Clean case and the case of this story. Thanks
    9/5/2007 7:20:55 PM

    I've published above comments in Washington Post under the titled article. My e-m. address is, I would like a Public Interests Lawyer contact me if any possible to assist me turn over this case (all was in file now, not long ago - 6 months ago, still fresh. All the lies and evidences are still sitting there. Judges should never try to cover-up and to protect those indecent and dishonest lawyers for their obvious misconducts and in contempt of court - it's criminal)
