April 20, 2008

Gideon's trumpet

Rock star! Notoriety for our esteemed blogging colleague, from the Stamford Advocate:

Call him 'Gideon:' - Public defender's blog causes stir

Who is "Gideon?" That's a question mystifying criminal attorneys in Connecticut as the anonymous public defender's blog about legal issues gains readers in Connecticut and nationwide.

The blog, apublicdefender.com, is among a handful of legal blogs written by public employees - judges, prosecutors and public defenders, according to experts who monitor the so-called online "blawgosphere." Some wish the unknown author, who goes by the pseudonym Gideon, would reveal his identity; others say he is wise to cloak his name and restrain his opinions...

Poor Gid! (via Connecticut Local Politics, "Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.")


  1. I thought he had already been found out. There's a small group of people who know who he is.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I don't want to cause a stir - I just want to blog in my little corner of the blawgiverse.

    Melissa - No one really knows. It's all lies and disinformation spread almost exclusively by me.
