June 19, 2008

Deer hunting with Beezus

In a persnickety post a while back, I linked to an article on class by Joe Bageant, a wise man from Winchester, Virginia, who lived for a time in North Idaho (Plummer and Moscow). Today Statcounter told me that I may have had a distinguished visitor:

I hope that it was him. Some of the coolest moments blogging are the chance encounters with admirable people, even in a virtual way.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Well, I'm certainly not distinguished, but I am a visitor. Every day I try to visit some site that links to me. And I especially enjoy it when I run onto a blogger wo can see and think far above the heads of the blundering crowd.

    In friendship and admiration,


  2. I am sorry you are hanging up your blog! I have enjoyed it over the years! I have learned things about the law that I did not know, and gotten a unique perspective. As well as being a good American, you are a good friend of Bosnia. I will miss your posts!
