July 18, 2008

Law student angst

From Ask Metafilter:

How can I use my law degree and still like my life?

I came to law school because I wanted to be a public interest lawyer - I like helping people. I have one year left before I graduate... I have spent the last two years learning about indigent defense and working at the public defender's office. Even though I think the work public defenders do is very important, I think it makes me miserable.

I admire public interest lawyers who fight for good, but the truth is that I just hate fighting! That is hard to admit, and it took me a long time to own up to it, but it's just true. Fighting just depresses me...

Check out the comments and maybe add your own.


  1. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Since you know that your heart is most happy when you are helping other people, why not spend the upcoming year clerking for your local legal aid office representing the indigent in civil matters?

    I spent 10 years doing civil indigent work prior to making the switch to criminal. Civil work just wasn't enough of a fight for me. I needed more of a challenge.

    Some other options that might be worth considering: Environmental Law, Civil Rights Law, Corporate non-profit counsel, Immigration, Social Security/SSI, Bankruptcy (Debtor side)& credit repair,etc...

    There are many areas of practice available that aren't quite as brutal as criminal defense law where you would still be helping people.

    Lil Spicy

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I think that your bigger problem is with the fact that you do not like to fight. If this is so, then litigation of any form is not going to be your cup of tea whether it be civil or criminal. You may have better success in some form of regulatory law, such as environmental law. I would focus on determining the root of your reluctance to fighting.
