October 19, 2008

ID: say amen, somebody

From the Bonner County Daily Bee:

Public defender an outspoken advocate for 'sacred rights'

Izzy Robertson... has served as the county's public defender for about a year, continuing in a field of law that she has practiced since 1997. "This is my calling – and I say that in a very spiritual manner," she said. "This is where my joy meets the world."

Her comment, coupled with a soft voice and gentle demeanor, might make the casual observer think that Robertson could be a pushover in the courtroom... There is no mistaking that, behind the calm exterior, the attorney sees herself as a warrior on the front lines of a battle for the rights of the accused. "Our 14th Amendment rights are sacred," she said...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:33 AM


    I think she has done many good works in this field.
