April 16, 2009

Reclaiming futures, one blog at a time

By request ( and by professional and personal interest ):

Reclaiming Futures Launches Blog Dedicated to Substance Abuse and Teens in the Juvenile Justice System

Reclaiming Futures Every Day is a professionally-staffed blog that aims to keep people informed of the latest happenings in juvenile justice and substance abuse treatment. Launched by Reclaiming Futures, an initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, it can be found at http://blog.reclaimingfutures.org, and is designed to help readers:

* Discuss the national challenge of helping teens break the cycle of drugs, alcohol and crime.
* Comment on new developments in teen alcohol and drug treatment and juvenile justice reform.
* Stay in touch with what's going on in the 23 communities using the proven Reclaiming Futures approach.
* Receive expert opinions and commentary from regular contributors who are leaders in the field...

Added to the blog roll.

1 comment:

  1. Not sure what's the situation with substance abuse elsewhere..but here in Croatia we have serious problems with it...I mean drugs are very spread among the younger population...and the sad part is it is well known which cities are the centers of drug trafficking..yet nobody does anything...I mean sure they catch a few kids smoking marijuana..but no drug bosses have been taken down...once they caught a drug lord..but only after a few hours he was let out and after that transfered into another country...I just wonder what kind of a society are we..!?
