December 28, 2006

Card check

In Cook County, Illinois, the public defender rank and file aren't taking the layoffs of possibly 50 attorneys lying down.

Too bad that their boss is.

Too bad for the clients - remember them?

Finally, from Montana, Rabid Sanity reminds us that not all public defenders are joiners:

I find it ridiculous that lawyers have unions.

Bonus link explains "card check."

1 comment:

  1. Call me crazy, but maybe this could work. If the budget cuts hit the prosecutors' offices as well, they will presumably be unable to put as many people into the system (and keep them there) so the aggregate workload for the PD office should decline, allowing them to cut staff without reducing services (much).

    I guess fewer arrests means more crime here in Cook County, but didn't the voters explicitly accept that when they voted for a guy who promised budget cuts?

    Then again, there may be less vital areas where budgets could be chopped.
