Voting is continuing in Public Defender Stuff's p.d. bloggers' version of the Miss U.S.A. pageant.
I feel really embarassed that some people picked me as "Public Defender Blogger You'd Like To Be When You Grow Up." Sure I'm flattered, but since I trust you, you also ought to know about my worst case, when I choked and was ineffective (don't take my word for it - see the Idaho Court of Appeals opinion here (pdf file)).
There's also my inordinate interest in walruses and wolves to consider.
For those highly esteemed colleagues (I think it's the same Karl) who've already voted, it's too late (unless they want to vote more than once). For those of you who haven't, take care in choosing a good public defender role model - otherwise there's no telling how you could turn out.
nice link to Ernie Lewis, the head defender in Kentucky, he truly is a PD's PD, even if he is a Cardinals fan.