May 15, 2008

CA: Sacto Sisyphus

From the Sacramento News and Review:

Guilty till proven innocent - Head Sacramento County public defender says the justice system is broken. Get used to it.

His mother went berserk, lashing out at the person who seemed most responsible for the outcome, her son’s public defender, who retaliated with her own outburst of anger. It was ugly. Similar scenes play out at the Sacramento Superior Court on a regular basis. There’s not too much Chief Public Defender Paulino Duran can do about it...

Listen up. This is Sacramento’s head public defender talking. You may need his services someday. He’s telling you our criminal-justice system is broken, perhaps beyond repair...

All the same, remember:

The struggle enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

1 comment:

  1. Attorneys should know that in a moment of frustration a poor choice of words can cost them dearly, especially in a criminal matter where people's freedom is at stake.
