May 15, 2008

NM: enough with the physical attacks on p.d.'s, now

From KOAT, Albuquerque:

Public Defenders Assaulted At MDC

Two members of the public defender's office are recovering at home Thursday night after being assaulted by a Metro Detention Center inmate, jailers said...

From KOB (with broadcast video):

Inmate attacks women at metro detention center

Two women from the public defenders office survived a brutal beating Thursday morning at the Bernalillo County Metro Detention Center...

This sh*t has to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Why does somebody who's locked up for misdemeanor FTA and has no history of violence suddenly beat two public defender staffers senseless?

    Something does not make sense here.

    Of course, this belongs in the "things that are not okay" category, whatever it is.
