September 16, 2006

FL: "it's time for me to get out of my current job"

With all the hype over lack of privacy of MySpace accounts and private posts going public, you can still find the occasional public defender on MySpace venting like nobody's business:

A few simple rules to keep from pissing off your assistant public defender...

Getting angry at your APD when your last plea offer is withdrawn and the offer has gone higher accomplishes nothing. You were the one who refused the offer. You were the one who was told previously (in some cases, two to three times previously) that, when the offer expired, it would be going up. Who's to blame? Look in the mirror...

Begging your APD to ask for lower offers from the State Attorney after previous counteroffers have been rejected is like teaching a pig to sing. It's a total waste of time, and it annoys the pig. If the State's not going lower, then they're not going lower. Man up and take the offer, or go to trial...