One righteous Idahoan
My fellow Idahoan Sean Sirrine runs two fine blogs, Objective Justice and Idaho Times. I don't agree with him every time, but bless his Federalist Society heart, I respect the heck out of his contributions to the discussion.
Lately he's been perfecting the art of the righteous rant. Many of you already know his law-related posts on Objective Justice; if you don't, go check them out - I'll wait. Meanwhile, at Idaho Times, in "Bigots for Idaho", Sean flames an anti- civil rights bill being introduced in the legislature, to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage, not by some fringe right-winger, but by House majority leader Lawrence Denny:
He claims, (quite lamely), that he just wants "to give the public a say on this issue." Yeah, and I'm Elvis.
What, do you suppose, would have happened if "the public" had been given a say on segregated schools before Brown v. Board? Obviously, at the time the sentiment was that the whites wanted to keep those damned n***** away from their children. A vote would have easily shown that the will of the people was on the side of the bigots. The same thing will happen now.
That's Idaho Republican leadership! Warning: intemperate times can bring forth intemperate language, and Sean's pretty pissed off. However, he's absolutely right about this. Time for such libertarians and small-government conservatives that are left in the Idaho GOP to call b.s. on this freedom-denying project.
In other news, here in my new home, the legislature is on the verge of adding sexual orientation to the law that bans discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, religion and marital status. Yes, with Republican votes. Today I'm happy to be an Idaho political refugee, living in Washington State.
Bonus link goes to Red State Rebels, with more on the Idaho pro - discrimination legislation, a caption contest for a picture of Idaho's congressional delegation with a Spuddy Buddy - holding President of the United States, and the shocking revelation that Spuddy's done time in a Mexican jail.Thanks for fighting the Patriot Act, Butch, now we could use your libertarian voice on the anti-gay bill. No, Larry, we're not holding our breath for you to come out against it.
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