May 05, 2007

Letters and papers from prison

From soa - trial:

Imagine you are poor or lower middle class... you can't afford a lawyer so you have to settle for a public defender who, in many cases, does the bare minimum to fulfill his/her obligations...

I'm ordinarily quite impatient with this sort of slur against my p.d. brethren and sistren, but with respect to this prisoner of conscience I'll let it go, not the least because she quoted something that's stuck with me from my college boy Liberation Theology phase:

I so want to put up on my wall by my bunk Gustavo Guttierez's words "The least human being has ABSOLUTE value and hence an ABSOLUTE right to be loved, whatever the price may be." I know I would be yelled at to take it down.

(This one goes out to a fiery young Catholic I once hired, who also crossed the line in her time, at the School of the Americas ( now WHINSEC) and elsewhere. She and I have both moved on from Idaho, but I think of her whenever she pops up on this blog's statcounter.)

Bonus links go to "A Theology of Liberation" by Gustavo Gutiérrez and "Letters and Papers from Prison" by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the blog Skelly. I'm a current law student with PD interests in the Northwest so I read your blog religiously.

I do work for a program that answer prisoner's letters. If I based my opinion of PD lawyers on what prisoner's say I'd believe that every PD was an incompetent boob who just sits on his ass. Of course I'd also have to believe that all prisoner's are innocent and put in prison by dirty cops "out to get them."

Every letter that begins with "my public defender did nothing to help me" gets thrown away.