Caine Mutiny defense lawyer
Today I caught the last part of "The Caine Mutiny", a movie that you don't watch for the accuracy of the criminal procedure, but for the performances. Everyone remembers Bogart's Captain Queeg, rightly so. Particularly if you do the criminal defense thing, though, don't overlook the great job that José Ferrer does with the role of defense counsel Lieutenant Greenwald, a court-appointed lawyer who doesn't care much for his client.
Some quotes:
Greenwald: I don't want to upset you too much, but at the moment you have an excellent chance of being hanged.Maryk: Lt. Geenwald, will you take our case?
Greenwald: I'd much rather prosecute.
Greenwald: I'm going to be frank with you two. I've read the preliminary investigation very carefully and I think that what you've done stinks.Greenwald: If you wanna do anything about it, I'll be outside. I'm a lot drunker than you are - so it'll be a fair fight.
A caveat: these lines probably won't work as well in real life practice.
Bonus link goes to The Caine Mutiny: Not Just One but Many Legal Dramas by Norman Rosenberg.
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