October 07, 2006

Write heartfelt words, mentor future p.d.s

From U - Dub:

The Gates Public Service Law Scholarship program at the University Of Washington School Of Law is looking for guest authors for their brand new Public Service Voices Series. The Voices series will be bi-weekly columns on their website featuring a wide range of "voices" and a number of perspectives relating to advocates' experience in public service.

Whatever heartfelt words you have to share with students (the primary readership) will be of value. Students are always interested in knowing people's experiences and the reasons why they do what they do. The pieces can be short and sweet (700-1500 words is fine). Please contact Michele Storms at gatespsl at u.washington.edu or (206) 897-1836 if you are interested in writing for Voices.

I'm looking at you, Feige. Anyone else?

(You know, they say, "Each Gates PSL scholarship award will cover tuition, books, other normal fees imposed for University and UW School of Law enrollment, costs of room and board and incidental expenses. Acceptance of a Gates PSL scholarship represents a commitment on the part of each recipient (“Scholar”) to work in public service for five years following graduation." Doesn't suck.)